CSC stands for Carleton Smash Circut. There's a touney here im Michigan that involves SSBB, SSBM, and my freind Yoshi's "Awsome Brawl".
Awsome Brawl is the hacked version of SSBB. He hacked it to have the characters have the same physics as in Melee.
The tourneys last throughout January to June (or is it July?). This topic will be deleted a month after the tourneys are over. Unless by popular demand, will stay.
I'll add the YouTube Videos when I can. But before I do, would you like me to add ALL the videos from the tourneys?
I've tried to upload the HTML, I just don't know how.
You'll not know anyone on the list. If you do, I'm surprised.
Ask any questions. I'll be happy to answer them.